v4 Release Notes 2
June 5, 2015
Snugg Pro Version 4 is out and used widely in the field. We've made many important bug fixes and enhancements. This email explains all of the improvements and some important notes to all of our users. All listed improvements are live and available in V4 right now. If you haven't switched over to V4 yet, now's the time!
A note about editable details and costs before modeling...
We have turned on the ability to edit Base or Improved Details, Costs, and Recommendations BEFORE you model for the first time. We felt this was necessary so that our users could access detailed fields like manufacturer information, knee walls, radiant barriers, and specific window measurements without having to model first. This will also enhance templates as you can now set default values for detailed fields or improvements so that they transfer to the actual jobs created from the template.
While you may applaud this change, it should be used very sparingly. Our modeling engine uses the simple inputs plus utility data to determine the most appropriate "effective" base values and then propose appropriate solutions, so it's best to not override these values until you have seen the results from the first model. But if you're confident of a number (like the R-value of the attic insulation, or the Sqft of the crawlspace), then by all means utilize the detailed inputs. Your data will then override the values that are normally created by the modeling engine.
Product Improvements Since Launch
- Added heating and cooling load calculations to the metrics tab (top right of job screen) as well as the metrics page in the report. Note: These are not ACCA certified Manual J load calcs, but are based on ASHRAE standards. Initial testing by our users has determined that the loads are very close to Manual J numbers. We'd appreciate your feedback on this so we can test in a variety of climates.
- Fixed an issue with making jobs from templates
- Fixed modeling issues with duct improvements getting savings when no improvements were made
- Fixed modeling issue where a default cooling system was being created when there was none.
New Fields
- Added Energy Star options to detailed inputs on Doors, Freezers, Refrigerators, and Windows
- Added ability to edit improved attic and vault areas (not just the base side). Use this if you are only improving part of the attic.
- Added utility price overrides and ability to specify pricing for firewood and pellets. Look for the button at the lower right of the fuel bills.
- Re-enabled editing of SEER for cooling
- Added button to designate if Conditioned Area includes the basement or not. Folks got confused on the basement area in the past and this will help quantify it in the modeling.
- Added field for counting the number of units in a multi-family building. This does not affect modeling, but is a program requirement for NYSERDA. It is only displayed if you choose a home type that's multi-family.
Additions and Edits to the Report
- Added Tech Specs
- Added Now & Goal
- Added color theme options
- Additional Notes items now get their own full page in the report instead of being all grouped together.
- Fixed incentive calculations for Energy Upgrade California® Home Upgrade.
- Improved report view for iOS devices.
- Fixed various issues with page breaks in the report
- Added visual indicator to detailed utility bills that helps you notice if you accidentally typed an incorrect utility bill date. This won’t block you from submitting, it’s just to help you catch errors. Sometimes it will warn you, but what you may have could actually be correct. For example, you may have meter reads every other month. Then you'd only put in the meter read dates where it was actually read and the total usage between those two dates. The indicator would be red in that instance, but it would still be correct.
- Added validation to require a total of 100% load for HVAC equipment
- Added visual indicator that all foundations add up to 100%
- We continue to fine tune our HPXML exports
- DHW data now transfers properly
- Custom recommendations are now included and can be used for NYSERDA custom measures
And as always, our dedicated staff are available to help answer any questions. Just find us in the chat room (click the support button at the bottom left of the app) or email us at pro@snugghome.com.