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Program Management
Program Roles & Permissions in Snugg Pro
Program Roles & Permissions in Snugg Pro
Updated over a week ago

This article relates to program permissions. See our article about company permissions and adding users. Snugg Pro lets you add three types of staff members to your program. Only program admins can add staff members.

If you're an admin, you can add new program staff members and change the role of existing members by going to Settings > Your Programs > Users. Below is a chart of each role's permissions.



Super User

Standard User

Add and edit staff members

Manage API keys and web hooks

Manage program cost templates

Manage program financing products

Define Workflow Ticket Templates

Manage program staff members & permissions

Manage trade ally companies

View/export all program jobs

Edit jobs* (depending on program)

Editing Jobs
The permission to edit jobs varies from program to program, depending on the market realities of the program.

If you have a dual role where you have company access and program access to a job, your company role will give you editing rights, even if program staff members have readonly access.

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