Free Sample Jobs
Updated over a week ago

When you create a new company you will automatically receive 2 free jobs for testing and learning. If you invite additional people to join the company they will also receive 2 free jobs. (This is determined by unique email addresses, if you have more than one company or work for more than one company and use the same email address you will not receive sample jobs on each account).

Edit the Address

These jobs are generated in Colorado, so you should change the address (especially zip code) on them to get accurate testing results for your area. With the job open, simply click on the name / address fields at the top of the page, make changes, then click the name address fields again to close it.

Both the Sample Job and the Blank Job are fully functional, and both have a “sample” watermark on the homeowner report.

Sample Jobs have full data for a test home

Please review the input fields to see the various options (some fields open or close depending on your input). Please feel free to change some of the input fields.

  • Once you have completed the input fields, click on the model it button to get your first results.

  • When modeling has completed, click on the refine button to see the results.

  • After the first model, all of the recommendations that are possible for this home will be displayed. (for example: if a home has no basement, the insulate basement recommendation will not show).

  • You can click on the decline button to remove any recommendation from the report. These recommendations will stay in the declined section, so you can move them back later if necessary.

  • You can also move any of the recommendation to “notes” if you just want to mention something to the homeowner, but not have cost, savings, SIR be part of the report.

  • You can click on the title of the recommendation to open the details.

    • add captions and photos

    • add notes to homeowner or contractor

    • edit base & improved values

  • Once you finish editing the recommendations, be sure to model the job again to get the new results.

  • Click on the report button to open the “report edit view”.

  • At the top of the screen in the report edit view, you can click on view/print to see what the final report will look like. To test a pdf, click on the printer icon to the upper left of the screen.

Blank jobs have no data at all and can be used for doing a full test audit from scratch. Please remember to change at least the zip code.

Once you are ready to move forward with the app, you will then be required to enter a credit card into the app to proceed, each new job created is billable.

Click on the yellow new button to create a new job.

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