Report Pages
Updated over a week ago

Customize your Homeowner Report with your choice of Report Pages.

From the sidebar click on Report, then Pages.

This is a full list of the available pages for your report, you can use the buttons to turn them off or on (hide or show).

If you are creating a template for your new jobs, just select your most used pages and edit as needed.


Pages can be edited at any time. You have the option to turn off a page and later turn it back on and the information you entered will still be available (within that job).

HES will automatically be turned off until you activate it, which requires that you have your HES credentials filled out. (User Passwords & Credentials)

Rebates & Incentives: Requires that you select a Program when creating the job. (If you have forgotten to select your program, you will need to delete the job and start over - or contact support)

Energy Use: If you have Energy Use turned on, with no bills, it will show one page of average consumer graphics. If you enter either simple or detailed bills, the report will add a 2nd page of utility graphics to the report.

Work Order: If you don’t use work orders, this will just show as a summary of the job cost unless you have it turned off for the job.

For additional information on creating your report, please go to

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