Company Profile & Logo
Updated over a week ago

The Company profile and logo is used to populate the cover page of the homeowner reports. You must have admin status to access the Company profile.

To complete your company profile, click on the settings button from the left sidebar, then Your Companies.

Open the company card by clicking on the pencil icon.

Fill out the company profile and add a company logo.

The company logo will automatically resize to fit the homeowner report if created correctly.

You may choose the following image files - jpeg, png, gif.

Tall thin logos do not display well because of the limited space on the top left of the homeowner report. The best sizing is to use a flat wide image. If you are having trouble with your logo we are glad to help. Please go to "view/print" on the report to see the logo. Below is an example of a filled out company & profile with logo.

The sidebar on the cover page picks up information from both the Company and the User profiles.

  • "Audited by" reflects the person that created the job.

  • The address for the "Audited by" is from the Company profile.

  • The email address is taken from the User profile.

The Company Profile page will show and automatically list all Programs that the company is associated with. See right column.

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